Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Bell Ringing and Caroling!

On Saturday, December 12, our girls volunteered for 5 hours ringing the Salvation Army's bell to fill the bucket. The girls sang Christmas carols for the shoppers and Kyla even passed out candy canes! What a fun experience!

Costume Drive!

From the October 19 Meeting:

We collected an estimated 50 Halloween costumes and Goodie Bags for the residents of the Open Door Mission's Lydia House. What an experience for our girls to contact local businesses, place & check donation boxes, and be responsible for bringing the donations back.

Kenley entertained during down time with a Magic Show.

Look at those happy girls!

The goodies!

Thank you, Elaina, for delivering!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

September 14th Meeting & Trash Collection

Revisiting our first meeting "Pick up to Kick Off". It was a great event to involve all family members, help our environment, and get to know all of the girls in our troop. It's going to be a great year!

We have a blog!

Hello girls (and parents) to our Troop Blog! This is a space to share a summary of our meetings, photos of our activities, and build our Girl Scout family. It is an attempt to stay organized and keep a history of all the amazing activities our girls have done (and will be doing!)!